Discover the Best Things to Do in Casablanca | 2024 Guide

If you are enchanted by the beauty of the city of Casablanca while watching the Humphrey Bogart movie Casablanca. Wait till you visit the city itself. Back from the time when the movie was made, the famous Moroccan city is now a magical place to dive in. Get ready to not only witness the history and culture of Casablanca but also the modernity and lifestyle.

Head on to the list below to know how there are multiple surprises for you in this city.

Visit the largest Moroccan mosque: Hassan II Mosque-Best things to do in Casablanca

Visit the largest Moroccan mosque: Hassan II Mosque-Best Things to Do in Casablanca
Visit the largest Moroccan mosque: Hassan II Mosque-Best Things to Do in Casablanca

You have only seen the charm of Casablanca through the eyes of Hollywood. But there is a regional essence to this place. One of the most architecturally gorgeous and divinely peaceful locations in the city is Hassan II Mosque. You would be left astounded by the beauty and design of the mosque.

The tower, also known as the minaret is 210 meters tall and is also the second largest mosque tower in the world. The mosque was completed in 1993 and perfectly reflects the craft of the previous century. On the outer portion, it feels like being situated on half water and half land. The waves of the ocean crash into the white marble walls that majestically stand on the yellow sand.

On the inside the atmosphere turns to pure white and golden light. It feels like a poem written in the words of Marble, granite, wood and plaster. The fine designs on the ceiling and 56 glass chandeliers won’t allow you to look straight. It is one of the few mosques that is open to non-Muslims. Tours happen throughout the day in English. You can join in any of them.

Visit the gorgeous Cathedral du Sacre Coeur

Visit the gorgeous Cathedral du Sacre Coeur-Best Things to Do in Casablanca
Visit the gorgeous Cathedral du Sacre Coeur-Best Things to Do in Casablanca

Just like any place where the invaders and rulers have left their mark. The city of Casablanca in Morocco is one of those places. Cathedral du Sacre Coeur or the Sacred Cathedral is one of those places. It stands tall as the symbol of the French invasion of this Islamic city.

But unlike any Cathedral, it has never been a seat for any Bishop. Though it is abandoned, it still stands intact as a symbol. The two white towers hold the white-washed walls and welcome visitors gracefully. The halls of the cathedral are the place where tourists love to explore. The huge pillars and patterns at the end of the hall are a sight to behold.

The French section might be closed to the visitors. But it is a notable historic site to visit. And you are going to love the pictures that you will click here. The surroundings are lush green and there is a small park nearby with beautiful pictures.

Spend some time at Medina

Spend some time at Medina-Best Things to Do in Casablanca
Spend some time at Medina:- Best Things to Do in Casablanca

Medina also known as the old town or the old city in Islamic language is the old part of the town. Though Casablanca is considered more modern than any other Moroccan city. But the city has preserved a part of its history in the form of Medina.

This is the place where you are going to find all the local spices, flowers, food, boutiques, regional rugs and other home décor items. You would be cherished to witness the generations working for centuries in the same business. And the beauty of history in the form of trade spread around the wide and narrow streets of Medina.

One stroll through Medina can make all the vibrant colours in your eyes come alive, you would witness the craft of design in the form of clay pots, the glass work is undeniably beautiful and rugs hung on every corner of the street would guide your way from one fascinating destination to the next.

Get smitten by the designs of Mahkama du Pacha

Get smitten by the designs of Mahkama du Pacha
Get smitten by the designs of Mahkama du Pacha- Best Things to Do in Casablanca

You have seen the place of worship, the place to shop from. But from where was the place ruled? Where was the old courthouse? Where the kings used to make significant decisions. Mahkama du Pacha is the old courthouse in the city of Casablanca.

Behold, as you will be entering the place that used to have its secrets and its stories. The beauty of the Mahkama will tell you the same thing. The criss-crossed mosaic cladded floor, the white walls, the helix stairs and the big hall where the significant people from the royals used to sit together and make important decisions.

You would see a touch of modern and French design in the building. As though, the building of the courthouse was ordered by the second son of the ruler but it was made by French architecture. If you are looking for some twisted, yet unique renovation ideas, you must visit this place at least once.

Have fun at Parc Sindbad Theme Park

Have fun at Parc Sindbad Theme Park: Best Things to Do in Casablanca

If you want to bring your inner child to the surface, there is no place better than this. You remember your stories from childhood. One of them was Sindbad, the Sailor. And this park would remind you of just that. The amusement park is filled with multiple attractions like a Ferris wheel, water slides, roller coaster and many small eateries.

Since it is based in a wide-spread area, you are bound to get tired of exploring the whole park. Therefore, delicious food and drink can be found and enjoyed in all the corners of the park. The park has a lot of seasonal attractions too, so you can be in for the surprise no matter when you visit the park.

As per the latest updates, the park has added a zoo to its area. So, you have one more thing to enjoy when you visit it. Make sure you have an entire day to yourself when you visit the park. Cause once you enter this wonderland, the time simply slides away. The park remains open from 10 am to 7 pm and you can buy the tickets from outside the park.

A hint of European Architecture at Notre Dame de Lourdes

Notre Dame de Lourdes-Best Things to Do in Casablanca

If you thought Cathedral du Sacre Coeur was too abandoned and plain for a church. You need to head over to the Notre Dame de Lourdes. It might not look as royal from the outside as the cathedral but it has several elements to it that you are going to thoroughly enjoy.

When everything feels a century old in the city, Notre Dame comes across as a breath of fresh air. Modernist European architecture stands as one-of-a-kind in the land where everything has an Islamic architecture and design. The church was also built by two French architects.

The best time to visit the church is when lights fall on the tainted glass window of the building. The colourful glasses leave a magical impression on the floor that enhances the beauty tenfold.

The colours and impressions on the glass are a sight to witness. And the ceiling has an unparalleled design engraved into it. You would love to spend some time sitting and gazing while showering in the miraculous aura of the church.

Spend some time at Place Mohamed V

Spend some time at Place Mohamed V-Best Things to Do in Casablanca
Spend some time at Place Mohamed VBest Things to Do in Casablanca

Every city has a place where you can simply sit and watch people going on with their everyday lives. In the hustle-bustle of the city, you will find many stories still living in Casablanca. Place Mohamed V is the right place for everyone who wants to do that.

Depending on the time, when you choose the visit the place. During the daytime, you are going to find a lot of pigeons in the square roaming around the fountain. You can feed the pigeon, if you want as many people do. Around the square, you would find a lot of shops, restaurants and multiple small stalls. These are the places where you can buy a snack and enjoy your leisure.

In the evening or night, you would find the place lit up with beautiful lights. Though the sky may be dark you are going to find enough light to click a lot of aesthetic pictures here.

Take a walk at La Corniche

Take a walk at La Corniche-Best Things to Do in Casablanca
Take a walk at La CornicheBest Things to Do in Casablanca

If the narrow and crammed streets of Medina are too much for you. There is a whole different side to Casablanca that is open and wide. One of that is promenade La Corniche. That feels like the city might have opened its eyes on this end.

A place that starts its run from the north of Medina and goes through several kilometers with a lot of stops in between. You would find loads of historical places like the lighthouse that you can go and visit.

However, if you want to spend your evenings soaked in modern Morocco. You always have the option of fine dining, cinema halls, malls, and other places to explore around the promenade.

Watch a sunset at Ain Diab Beach

Watch a sunset at Ain Diab Beach-Best Things to Do in Casablanca
Watch a sunset at Ain Diab Beach-Best Things to Do in Casablanca

Since you are at the end of the Atlantic Ocean, you can’t miss this one opportunity. Ain Diab beach is the perfect place to spend some time at. At first, you can meditate on the thrashing waves. And then you can gaze at the enchanting sunset.

Because of its length, the beach is never very crowded. So, you can easily organize a picnic here and spend as much time as you want.

Shop at Morocco Mall-Best Things to Do in Casablanca

Shop at Morocco Mall-Best Things to Do in Casablanca
Shop at Morocco Mall-Best Things to Do in Casablanca

If you think you would miss the Dubai or Middle East shopping experience while you are busy exploring Casablanca. You are missing on the experience of Morocco Mall. It is one of the most notable and elite places in the city.

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From Dior to Louis Vuitton, Yves Saint Laurent to Balenciaga, you will find all of your luxury needs met here. Since the mall is spread over thousands of acres. Please don’t forget to wear comfy shoes. Now, all you need to do is bask in some Casablanca luxury style.

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